[Spce-user] No 486 reject code when user reject the call over SIP peering link

Yazar Lwin yarzarlwin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 02:38:25 EST 2019

Hello All,

I've set up 2 SPCE server 7.1.1 and connected to each other. Normal peering
calls are OK. But when user B  from server B rejected the call, the 486
code didn't go over trunk. So it's still ringing at user A on server A.
User A from server A had to cancel itself.
Is there any config left to enable this reject code to travel over peering?
If calls are on same server, when user reject the call I can hear the
announcement and 486  reject code can be seen in trace.

Best regards
Yazar Lwin
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