[Spce-user] Error: Can not connect to https://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg

Michael Prokop mprokop at sipwise.com
Wed Mar 6 11:19:33 EST 2019


* EMMANUEL AFANG [Wed Mar 06, 2019 at 05:01:53PM +0100]:

> Apologies for delayed response.
> mr7.1. <https://sip.sessionhub.net:1443/statistics/versions> was installed
> but actually not successfully installed.
> mr5.5.8 <https://sip.sessionhub.net:1443/statistics/versions> was what I
> ended up with. It works fine.

We don't understand though why you couldn't install mr7.1.

What's the output of the following commands from the system where
you are/were trying to install mr7.1?

  wget -q -T 10 --retry-connrefused --tries=3 -O /dev/null https://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg
  echo $?

If the output is '0', then everything is supposed to be working
fine. I'd assume it was a temporary network(ing related) issue on
your side.

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