[Spce-user] Feature Codes not working

stefanormc stefanormc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 11:10:54 EDT 2019

I checked /usr/lib/ngcp-sems/audio/it/
there is no ‘it’ directory
where can I pull it files from?

Il giorno 11 marzo 2019 @ 16:04:11, Daniel Grotti (dgrotti at sipwise.com) ha

Hi Stefano,
I see. You should enable sems debug level 3 and check then the sems.log,
you should see some ERROR message there.
If you are using a recent version, you can use the ngcp-loglevel command to
increase the "sbc" loglevel to "verbose" (3).

Daniel Grotti

Head of Customer Support                               Sipwise GmbH
e: dgrotti at sipwise.com                               Europaring F15
t: +43(0)130120332                          A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
w: www.sipwise.com          FN: 305595f      FG: LG Wiener Neustadt

On 3/11/19 4:01 PM, stefanormc wrote:


I added ‘italian’ to domain—>nat—>sound_set and to
domain—>Internals—>language that weren’t set.

Result seems the same though; log indicates that it can’t get the failed
announcement but also that it failed to reach the application server, it

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: VSC request -
R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Call to Application
Server - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting acc
source-leg for uuid '0014a0bc-0518-414c-8d1c-697e48effdff':
- R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting acc
destination-leg for uuid '0014a0bc-0518-414c-8d1c-697e48effdff':
c.voceblu.it|0||||||||||||*21*3355416588|' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting From to '<
sip:390171928136 at c.voceblu.it>' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Request leaving
server, D-URI='sip:' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: NAT-Reply - S=500 -
could not get failed announcement M=INVITE IP= ( ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Failure route for
Application Server call - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3594]: ERROR: <core> [usr_avp.c:424]:
search_avp(): 0 ID or NULL NAME AVP!

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3594]: ERROR: <script>: Failed to select
next Application Server server - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:54:09 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: [dialog:failed]
decreased redis counters
lua_dlg_callid:[97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU] -
R=<null> ID=97576MmJjOGUzMTM1M2EwMGE4YzUwNDVhNWFkNTFjYjViNjU UA='<null>'

Il giorno 11 marzo 2019 @ 15:42:25, Daniel Grotti (dgrotti at sipwise.com) ha

did you load and associated the sound set to your domain?
You should load at least a set of default audio files.

Daniel Grotti

Head of Customer Support                               Sipwise GmbH
e: dgrotti at sipwise.com                               Europaring F15
t: +43(0)130120332                          A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
w: www.sipwise.com          FN: 305595f      FG: LG Wiener Neustadt

On 3/11/19 3:34 PM, stefanormc wrote:

Hello Daniel,

this is the log:

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: New request on
proxy - M=REGISTER R=sip:res.voceblu.it F=sip:0293185233 at res.voceblu.it T=
sip:0293185233 at res.voceblu.it IP= ( ID=
2382370a2353ad426e6e69b535d84079 at res.voceblu.it UA='Asterisk PBX 13.20.0'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Contacts
successfully updated, expires in 120s - R=sip:res.voceblu.it ID=
2382370a2353ad426e6e69b535d84079 at res.voceblu.it UA='Asterisk PBX 13.20.0'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: New request on
proxy - M=INVITE R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it F=
sip:0171928136 at c.voceblu.it T=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it IP= (
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3573]: NOTICE: <script>: Authentication
failed, no credentials - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576' Auth=<null>

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: New request on
proxy - M=INVITE R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it F=
sip:0171928136 at c.voceblu.it T=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it IP= (
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: IMS marker,
s:ims_role='<null>', s:caller_uuid='0014a0bc-0518-414c-8d1c-697e48effdff',
s:callee_uuid='<null>', s:acc_caller_user='0171928136',
s:acc_caller_domain='c.voceblu.it'  - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Dialog managed,
lua_dlg_callid:[97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc] -
R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: User-Provided CLI
'0171928136' taken from From-User - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: User-provided CLI
'0171928136' rejected, using network-provided CLI '390171928136' -
R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting '
390171928136 at c.voceblu.it' as initiating user-provided CLI - R=sip:*21*
3355416588 at c.voceblu.it ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc
UA='X-Lite release 5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting '
390171928136 at c.voceblu.it' as initiating network-provided CLI - R=sip:*21*
3355416588 at c.voceblu.it ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc
UA='X-Lite release 5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: VSC request -
R=sip:*21*3355416588 at c.voceblu.it
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Call to Application
Server - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting acc
source-leg for uuid '0014a0bc-0518-414c-8d1c-697e48effdff':
- R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting acc
destination-leg for uuid '0014a0bc-0518-414c-8d1c-697e48effdff':
c.voceblu.it|0||||||||||||*21*3355416588|' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Setting From to '<
sip:390171928136 at c.voceblu.it>' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3594]: NOTICE: <script>: Request leaving
server, D-URI='sip:' - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3586]: NOTICE: <script>: NAT-Reply - S=500 -
could not get failed announcement M=INVITE IP= ( ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3586]: NOTICE: <script>: Failure route for
Application Server call - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3586]: ERROR: <core> [usr_avp.c:424]:
search_avp(): 0 ID or NULL NAME AVP!

Mar 11 15:26:21 centrale proxy[3586]: ERROR: <script>: Failed to select
next Application Server server - R=sip:*21*3355416588 at vsc.local
ID=97576Y2Q2NzcyYmI5M2FmYjI2YTRlZWVmN2MxY2U0NzRiNDc UA='X-Lite release
5.5.0 stamp 97576'

Il giorno 11 marzo 2019 @ 14:59:19, Daniel Grotti (dgrotti at sipwise.com) ha

Hi Stefano,
it should work our of the box, yes.
You can check the kamailio-proxy.log and make the call and see what happens.

Daniel Grotti

Head of Customer Support                               Sipwise GmbH
e: dgrotti at sipwise.com                               Europaring F15
t: +43(0)130120332                          A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
w: www.sipwise.com          FN: 305595f      FG: LG Wiener Neustadt

On 3/11/19 2:13 PM, stefanormc wrote:

Hi all,

I can’t seem to get call forwarding working by feature codes; It works ok
via web interface but feature codes don’t seem to activate anything.

I tried also to change code in the config.yml but no luck.

Does it have to be activated somewhere?




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