[Spce-user] network.yml editing question

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Mon May 13 06:06:47 EDT 2019


Uff... yeah. For asterisk it must be one line, like in example:

;emailbody=Dear ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were
just left a ${MVM_DUR} long message (number ${MVM_COUNTER})\nin mailbox
${MVM_MAILBOX} from ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}, so you might\nwant
to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n

I have tied it and it looks promising:

> root at spce:/etc/asterisk# ngcpcfg diff
> -    mailbody: You have received a new message from ${VM_CALLERID} in voicebox ${VM_MAILBOX} on ${VM_DATE}.
> +    mailbody: Dear ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${MVM_DUR} long message (number ${MVM_COUNTER})\nin mailbox ${MVM_MAILBOX} from ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}, so you might\nwant to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n

> root at spce:/etc/asterisk# grep emailbody /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf
> emailbody=Dear ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${MVM_DUR} long message (number ${MVM_COUNTER})\nin mailbox ${MVM_MAILBOX} from ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}, so you might\nwant to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n

> root at spce:/etc/asterisk# ngcpcfg check
> 2019-05-13 12:03:21 spce: yml configs were validated successfully
> 2019-05-13 12:03:21 spce: configs were checked successfully
> root at spce:/etc/asterisk# echo $?
> 0

Can you please try it once again?

> ... It doesn’t access <cr> or /r/n...

Please ensure you are using Unix style '\n' instead or Windows '\r\n'
and not a '/r/n'.

Have fun!

On 5/10/19 6:48 PM, William Fulton wrote:
> Thanks for the tip, but I am still having trouble getting this
> towork. Here is my config.yml for the same section. But my resulting email
> just has the "Hello," in it and nothing more.

Alex Lutay

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