[Spce-user] "implicit" extensions

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Tue Apr 14 12:05:06 EDT 2020

I got it, now it’s clear that the system can not match dialed number with a subscriber, the reason being that subscriber number is too short.
In the log we see messages "Callee is not local” and “No PSTN gateways available”, so it was a mis-routed attempt, this is due to SQL query in /etc/kamailio/proxy/proxy.cfg which does INSTR with min number length 7 digits. Your subscriber’s numbers are shorter than that.
The solution is to use base number of at least 7 digits, or as a work-around (non upgrade-safe and only if you are understand kamailio config file syntax) create a customtt file inside /etc/ngcp-config/templates (according to manual) that permits shorter base numbers, the exact line looking something like this, varying from one to another version:
		sql_pvquery("local", "select username,domain,alias_username,is_primary,is_devid,devid_alias from dbaliases where alias_username like concat(left('$(var(callee_user){s.escape.common})', 7), '%') and instr('$(var(callee_user){s.escape.common})', alias_username)=1 order by length(alias_username) desc limit 1", "$avp(s:callee_user);$avp(s:callee_domain);$avp(s:callee_base_user);$avp(s:is_primary);$avp(s:callee_is_devid);$avp(s:callee_devid_alias)");
Hope this helps.

> On 14.04.2020, at 17:29, florent goue <florentgoue at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrew 
> Did you read my last mail.
> Thx
> Le lun. 13 avr. 2020 à 19:59, florent goue <florentgoue at gmail.com <mailto:florentgoue at gmail.com>> a écrit :
> hi Andrew
> thanks for your mail.
> information about your setup :
>  Sipwise CE 8.3.3 
>  I had this problem with 7.5.3 CE
>  In my lab, I setup:
>   2 domain
>   3 customers
>   9 subscribers ( numbers: 200280, 20012, 200150, 200330, 200338, 200320, 200340)
>     In my test:
>   A subscriber call the 200120 number, the call fail  (We would have liked the call to reach the number 20012)
>   A subscriber call the 2001500 number, the call fail (We would have liked the call to reach the number 200150)
>  The 
> extended_dialing_mode : Extension matching, send dialed number with extension
> Log1:
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