[Spce-user] Register a PBX to SipWise CE

Neofone Info info at neofone.al
Tue Sep 29 06:23:32 EDT 2020

Hi Daniel,

You have this chapter in Handbook but is does not go in details for 
Registration Mode. Can you check this and provide more info for 
Registration Mode.

        7.10.4. Registration

SIP-PBX can use either Static or Registration Mode. While SIPconnect 1.1 
continues to require TLS support at MUST strength, one should note that 
using TLS for signaling does not require the use of the SIPS URI scheme. 
SIPS URI scheme is obsolete for this purpose.

*Static Mode. *While SIPconnect 1.1 allows the use of Static mode, this 
poses additional maintenance overhead on the operator. The administrator 
should create a static registration for the SIP-PBX: go to Susbcribers, 
/Details/→/Registered Devices/→/Create Permanent Registration/ and put 
address of the SIP-PBX in the following format: 
sip:username at ipaddress:5060 where username=username portion of SIP URI 
and ipaddress = IP address of the device.

*Registration Mode. *It is recommended to use the Registration mode with 
SIP credentials defined for the SIP-PBX subscriber.

On 9/29/2020 11:20 AM, Daniel Grotti wrote:
> Hi,
> you can have the following VOIP entities:
> 1. SIP trunk, or peering
> This is a peering for the SPCE, used to send calls outside the system, 
> to PSTN, mobile, other providers. As well as receive incoming calls 
> from outside world.
> This is configured in the PEERINGS section.
> Peerings are autheticated via source IP for incoming calls, so 
> external peering CANNOT register agains SPCE.
> Another scenario is that your provided(peering) is asking you to 
> authenticate when sending call out to him, and this can be done using 
> the peering's preference REMOTE AUTHENTICATION section.
> 2. Subscribers.
> This are the local user in SPCE.
> They can be simple SIP phones, or PBX, or any other kind of VOIP 
> system that requires to be your subscriber.
> As your subscriber, they (can) REGISTER agains SPCE, using 
> username/password.
> This credentials can be configured in a SIP phone or in an Asterisk 
> PBX. SPCE will act and Asterisk trunk, where asterisk or any other PBX 
> will send the outbound call to.
> Subscribers that does not support DIGEST authentication, can be 
> authenticate by source IP or From Pattern. Also SPCE can send call to 
> them using the STATIC REGISTRATION. Please see documentation about 
> this case.
> Hope this help,
> Daniel Grotti
> Head of Customer Support                     Sipwise GmbH
> e: dgrotti at sipwise.com                     Europaring F15
> t: +43(0)130120332                A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
> w: www.sipwise.com   FN: 305595f   FG: LG Wiener Neustadt
> On 9/29/20 11:08 AM, Neofone Info wrote:
>> Thank you for your time but maybe what i searching to archive is not 
>> so usual with SPCE.
>> I have a SIP trunk where there i receive specific calls and the calls 
>> need to be answered by a phone.
>> the SIP trunk has registration credentials in order to work. SIP 
>> trunk needs to register in SPCE than i can route the received calls 
>> to the subscribers.
>> the link provided is for outbound calls and registering outbound 
>> peers. in need for inbound calls
>> On 9/29/2020 12:41 AM, Matthias Hohl wrote:
>>> Again: what setup do you want?
>>> Create a subscriber on SPCE and connect your pbx via this subscriber 
>>> and phones on the pbx.
>>> Then create a peering on SPCE and connect them to a Carrier SIP 
>>> Trunk provider.
>>> Thats normal setup.
>>> If you want a PBX as your carrier, use IP Athentification or enable 
>>> user/pass authentification for peerings.
>>> Check handbook for details.
>>> => create peering
>>> => create subscriber
>>> All in all, read the handbook carefully
>>>> Am 28.09.2020 um 21:28 schrieb Neofone Info <info at neofone.al>:
>>>> hello,
>>>> I have a Sip Trunk that is with registration. So i need it to 
>>>> receive calls. Why this seem so strange you can do it in Asterisk 
>>>> in trunks.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On 9/28/2020 8:02 PM, Matthias Hohl wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> no it is definitely no PBX at the end of the day.
>>>>> It is a SIP server solution for providing a peering connection to 
>>>>> several hundreds or thousands of subscriber.
>>>>> I really don’t get the point for what reason you want to connect a 
>>>>> SPCE to a PBX.. what is your plan?
>>>>> Normally it goes this way: PTSN/SIP-NNI => SPCE => PBX
>>>>> For sure you can, but you have to enable user/pass authenficiation 
>>>>> for peerings.
>>>>> But anyway, this is not common… normally you do Peering 
>>>>> connections via ip authorization.
>>>>> But like I told before, I really don’t get the point, what you 
>>>>> want to do with that.
>>>>> *Von:*Neofone Info <info at neofone.al>
>>>>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 28. September 2020 19:25
>>>>> *An:* Matthias Hohl <matthias.hohl at telematica.at>; 'Walter Klomp' 
>>>>> <walter at myrepublic.net>
>>>>> *Cc:* spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
>>>>> *Betreff:* Re: AW: [Spce-user] Register a PBX to SipWise CE
>>>>> I have information that can be done in CE.
>>>>> CE is not a PBX at the end of the day? why i can register a CE to 
>>>>> a PBX and can't do the same with a PBX register in CE? i have 
>>>>> specific username and password of PBX that can't be changed.
>>>>> with register i mean the registration process of a device. in a 
>>>>> sip client you register a subscriber i need this also in CE.
>>>>> peering does not have option to register for incoming calls or at 
>>>>> least i didn't found it.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> On 9/28/2020 5:32 PM, Matthias Hohl wrote:
>>>>>     Hello,
>>>>>     i think you misunderstand the workflow of the SPCE.
>>>>>     You can’t register the SPCE as a subscriber on the PBX.
>>>>>     You need to register the PBX as a subscriber on the SPCE!
>>>>>     So you create a new subscriber on the SPCE and connect your PBX
>>>>>     via the SPCE IP and the created Username and Password of the
>>>>>     subscriber.
>>>>>     If you want to connect your PBX as a peering to the SPCE, really
>>>>>     don’t know for what reason, than you can create a SPCE Peering
>>>>>     and connect the SPCE to the PBX, but I really don’t know why you
>>>>>     want to do this.
>>>>>     *Von:*Neofone Info <info at neofone.al> <mailto:info at neofone.al>
>>>>>     *Gesendet:* Montag, 28. September 2020 17:09
>>>>>     *An:* Walter Klomp <walter at myrepublic.net>
>>>>>     <mailto:walter at myrepublic.net>
>>>>>     *Cc:* spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
>>>>>     <mailto:spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>
>>>>>     *Betreff:* Re: [Spce-user] Register a PBX to SipWise CE
>>>>>     so you are saying that in a subscriber where i need to create
>>>>>     username and password instead of this i enter username and
>>>>>     password of the other PBX that i want to register in sipwise?
>>>>>     i have the credential of another PBX and want to register in
>>>>>     sipwise.
>>>>>     thanks
>>>>>     On 9/28/2020 4:25 PM, Walter Klomp wrote:
>>>>>         Just create a subscriber and use the username and password
>>>>>         to register your PBX to it.
>>>>>         On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 at 21:00, Neofone Info <info at neofone.al
>>>>>         <mailto:info at neofone.al>> wrote:
>>>>>             I am checking to configure a PBX in SipWice CE. Register
>>>>>             it in sipwise
>>>>>             There is not information how i can register a PBX with
>>>>>             username password
>>>>>             and host in sipwise CE.
>>>>>             can anyone send a link where this is covered or provide
>>>>>             information how
>>>>>             i can register a PBX in sipwise to receive calls?
>>>>>             thanks
>>>>>             --
>>>>>             Spce-user mailing list
>>>>>             Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
>>>>>             <mailto:Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>
>>>>> https://lists.sipwise.com/mailman/listinfo/spce-user_lists.sipwise.com 
>>>>>         --
>>>>>         Warmest Regards,
>>>>>         <https://myrepublic.com.sg/>
>>>>>         *Walter Klomp*
>>>>>         Head of Voice & Systems
>>>>>         MyRepublic Limited
>>>>>         T: +65 6816 1120
>>>>>         F: +65 6717 2031
>>>>>         MyRepublic Limited
>>>>>         11 Lorong 3 Toa Payoh Block B Jackson Square
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