[Spce-user] Sip statistics not recorded in CE5.5.x ...
David | csr-online SPAIN
davidp at csr-online.net
Mon Feb 15 07:40:14 EST 2021
De: Walter Klomp <walter at myrepublic.net>
Fecha: lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021, 13:15
Para: David Pablo Mitchell <davidp at csr-online.net>
CC: Daniel Grotti <dgrotti at sipwise.com>, spce-user <spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>
Asunto: Re: [Spce-user] Sip statistics not recorded in CE5.5.x ...
It’s because you have a name of a sip peer that is a number. You need to change the name to a string, not starting with a number. Then it should just work after that.
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 19:47, David | csr-online SPAIN <davidp at csr-online.net<mailto:davidp at csr-online.net>> wrote:
Hello Walter i have versión 5.5.13 and i hace same problema i cant see statistics appear black page, can you helpme please?
I see lot of lines with this errors:
cannot send measurements to InfluxDB: field type conflict: input field "sip_responsiveness" on measurement "sip" is type integer, already exists as type float
De: Spce-user <spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com<mailto:spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com>> En nombre de Walter Klomp
Enviado el: martes, 22 de enero de 2019 16:57
Para: Daniel Grotti <dgrotti at sipwise.com<mailto:dgrotti at sipwise.com>>
CC: spce-user <spce-user at lists.sipwise.com<mailto:spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>>
Asunto: Re: [Spce-user] Sip statistics not recorded in CE5.5.x ...
Hi, (this is 5.5.6, but 5.5.7 patch also did not help…)
I am still not getting anywhere…. The problem in InfluxDB’s is still there…
What I have done just now is to stop InfluxDB’s, remove the /var/lib/influxdb subdirectories, essentially wiping everthing, start influxdb, do a ngcp-influxdb-create, and this is what I see in the log…. The error is STILL there…
Is there *nobody* that can help me with this ? I’d really like to see the SIP statistics on a nice dashboard…
My other installations do not have this problem - is it because I have multiple peer groups ?
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 Signal received, initializing clean shutdown...
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 Waiting for clean shutdown...
[snapshot] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 snapshot listener closed
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 shutting down monitor system
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 terminating storage of statistics
[shard-precreation] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 Precreation service terminating
[continuous_querier] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 continuous query service terminating
[retention] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 retention policy enforcement terminating
[subscriber] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 closed service
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:13 server shutdown completed
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 InfluxDB starting, version 1.1.5, branch unknown, commit unknown
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Go version go1.10.3, GOMAXPROCS set to 8
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Using configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
[store] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Using data dir: /var/lib/influxdb/data
[subscriber] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 opened service
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting monitor system
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 'build' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 'runtime' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 'network' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 'system' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[shard-precreation] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting precreation service with check interval of 10m0s, advance period of 30m0s
[snapshot] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting snapshot service
[admin] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting admin service
[admin] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 DEPRECATED: This plugin is deprecated as of 1.1.0 and will be removed in a future release
[admin] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Listening on HTTP:<>
[continuous_querier] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting continuous query service
[monitor] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Storing statistics in database '_internal' retention policy 'monitor', at interval 10s
[httpd] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting HTTP service
[httpd] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Authentication enabled: false
[httpd] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8086
[retention] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Starting retention policy enforcement service with check interval of 30m0s
[run] 2019/01/22 23:47:23 Listening for signals
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:30 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 404 69 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 0699957a-1e5d-11e9-8001-000000000000 512
[query] 2019/01/22 23:47:30 CREATE DATABASE telegraf
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:30 +0800] "POST /query?db=&q=CREATE+DATABASE+%22telegraf%22 HTTP/1..1" 200 46 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 06a675e3-1e5d-11e9-8002-000000000000 27106
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:31 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 404 41 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 071ecb60-1e5d-11e9-8003-000000000000 101
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:35 +0800] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBShell/1.1.5" 09dab862-1e5d-11e9-8004-000000000000 16
[query] 2019/01/22 23:47:35 CREATE DATABASE ngcp
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:35 +0800] "POST /query?chunked=true&db=&epoch=ns&q=CREATE+DATABASE+ngcp HTTP/1.1" 200 51 "-" "InfluxDBShell/1.1.5" 09dac5d0-1e5d-11e9-8005-000000000000 25185
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:35 +0800] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBShell/1.1.5" 09df6e3d-1e5d-11e9-8006-000000000000 8
[query] 2019/01/22 23:47:35 CREATE DATABASE telegraf
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:35 +0800] "POST /query?chunked=true&db=&epoch=ns&q=CREATE+DATABASE+telegraf HTTP/1.1" 200 51 "-" "InfluxDBShell/1.1.5" 09df7d32-1e5d-11e9-8007-000000000000 282
[shard] 2019/01/22 23:47:40 /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1 database index loaded in 3.433µs
[shard] 2019/01/22 23:47:40 /var/lib/influxdb/data/telegraf/autogen/2 database index loaded in 2.751µs
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:40 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 0c8f430c-1e5d-11e9-8008-000000000000 20740
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:40 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 0c9281ef-1e5d-11e9-8009-000000000000 8121
[shard] 2019/01/22 23:47:41 /var/lib/influxdb/data/ngcp/autogen/3 database index loaded in 3.092µs
[write] 2019/01/22 23:47:41 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:41 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 32 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 0d603bd2-1e5d-11e9-800a-000000000000 7601
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:50 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 1285129d-1e5d-11e9-800b-000000000000 8726
[write] 2019/01/22 23:47:52 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:47:52 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 13a22163-1e5d-11e9-800c-000000000000 1004
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:00 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 187afb14-1e5d-11e9-800d-000000000000 16569
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:02 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:02 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 19e37e2d-1e5d-11e9-800e-000000000000 936
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:10 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 1e70d03c-1e5d-11e9-800f-000000000000 9363
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:13 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:13 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 2021fe34-1e5d-11e9-8010-000000000000 879
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:20 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 2466b21b-1e5d-11e9-8011-000000000000 7650
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:23 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:23 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 26610c42-1e5d-11e9-8012-000000000000 835
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:30 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 2a5c9481-1e5d-11e9-8013-000000000000 9450
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:34 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:34 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 2ca25898-1e5d-11e9-8014-000000000000 1102
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:40 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 30527316-1e5d-11e9-8015-000000000000 8997
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:44 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:44 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 32e15b5a-1e5d-11e9-8016-000000000000 753
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:50 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 36485524-1e5d-11e9-8017-000000000000 8160
[write] 2019/01/22 23:48:55 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:48:55 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 3922fe99-1e5d-11e9-8018-000000000000 900
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:49:00 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=telegraf&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" 3c3e3aa7-1e5d-11e9-8019-000000000000 8332
[write] 2019/01/22 23:49:05 write failed for shard 3: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
[httpd] ::1 - - [22/Jan/2019:23:49:05 +0800] "POST /write?consistency=any&db=ngcp&precision=s&rp= HTTP/1.1" 400 138 "-" "InfluxDB-HTTP/0.01" 3f634ee0-1e5d-11e9-801a-000000000000 808
Warmest Regards,
Walter Klomp
On 18 Jan 2019, at 11:46 PM, Walter Klomp <walter at myrepublic.net<mailto:walter at myrepublic.net>> wrote:
Yours sincerely,
On 18 Jan 2019, at 11:20 PM, Daniel Grotti <dgrotti at sipwise.com<mailto:dgrotti at sipwise.com>> wrote:
is this mr5.5.7?
Head of Customer Support Sipwise GmbH
e: dgrotti at sipwise.com<mailto:dgrotti at sipwise.com> Europaring F15
t: +43(0)130120332 A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
w: www.sipwise.com<http://www.sipwise.com/> FN: 305595f FG: LG Wiener Neustadt
On 1/18/19 2:54 AM, Walter Klomp wrote:
I see this in the ngcp-witnessd.log
2019-01-18 09:51:31: cannot send measurements to InfluxDB: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
2019-01-18 09:51:42: cannot send measurements to InfluxDB: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
2019-01-18 09:51:52: cannot send measurements to InfluxDB: field type conflict: input field "description" on measurement "peer_group" is type integer, already exists as type string
Is that already in the list to be patched? Or how do I fix this?
I’d really like to see the Sip statistics…
Walter Klomp
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Cordialment | Atentamente | Sincerely
David Pablo Mitchell
Movil Directo: +34 658174990
Tel.Oficina:+34 931860160 ext.101
Mail: davidp at csr-online.net<mailto:davidp at csr-online.net>
Web: www.csr-online.net<http://www.csr-online.net>
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Warmest Regards,
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Walter Klomp
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Cordialment | Atentamente | Sincerely
David Pablo Mitchell
Movil Directo: +34 658174990
Tel.Oficina:+34 931860160 ext.101
Mail: davidp at csr-online.net
Web: www.csr-online.net<http://www.csr-online.net>
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