[Spce-user] AWS AMI image admin password

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Thu Jun 24 10:20:50 EDT 2021

Dear Oscar,

Thank you for sharing it with us.
Reported it internally as TT#127700.

Stay tuned!

On 6/22/21 9:41 PM, [ EXT ] Oscar Javier Bello Pérez wrote:
> I'm trying to deploy an EC2 instance with the ami-0497cb44e3df53a03 but 
> when I try to connect to the instance with the .pem file used at 
> creation a password is required, sems like there is a problem with 
> authentication process, I try /sipwise/ and /administrator/ as passwords 
> and doesn't work:
> ssh -i file.pem admin at ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-1.amazonaws.com
> Thanks for your help.

Alex Lutay

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