[Spce-user] New to SipWise CE. Trying to use Let's Encrypt

Trent Creekmore trent at lindows.org
Fri Mar 24 21:39:20 EDT 2023

Thank you kindly for the suggestion.

I will let respond with the results if I can get it functioning. I 
installed cerbot classic per Let's Encrypt instructions via snap, but it 
seems it needs an update. It is pointing to an older version (3.8) of 
python on Debian 11 instead of version 3.9 which is the current version.

O n 3/24/23 18:27, Gerry Kernan wrote:
> You could you DNS challenge to validate with letsencrypt
> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-acquire-a-let-s-encrypt-certificate-using-dns-validation-with-acme-dns-certbot-on-ubuntu-18-04
> Best Regards,
> Gerry Kernan
> Infinity IT
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Trent Creekmore <trent at lindows.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, March 24, 2023 10:03:29 PM
> *To:* spce-user <spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [Spce-user] New to SipWise CE. Trying to use Let's Encrypt
> So, in the config.yml I have tried the following to try to also get 
> port 80 open
> port: '443'
> port: '80'
> That failed.
> Then on to:
> port: '443' '80'
> and
> port: '443', '80'
> Those also failed.
> Any guidance on the correct syntax on also listening on port 80?
> On 3/24/23 03:05, Walter Klomp wrote:
>> Hi Trent,
>> I use this script to renew…
>> #!/bin/bash
>> if [ `certbot renew 2>&1|grep -c "Cert not yet due"` -lt 2 ]
>> then
>> service nginx stop
>> sleep 2
>> certbot renew
>> chown -R kamailio:ssl-cert /etc/letsencrypt
>> service nginx start
>> service kamailio-lb restart
>> ngcp-kamctl lb fifo debug 0
>> fi
>> in /etc/group
>> make sure ssl-cert have this
>> ssl-cert:x:112:prosody,www-data,kamailio
>> you may still need to set the chmod to 750 in 
>> /etc/letsencrypt/archive and /etc/letsencrypt/live
>> first time installing cert (which I guess you have already done)
>> certbot certainly -d <domain name> -d <domain name> if you listen to 
>> multiple domain names
>> choose standalone and make sure nginx is stopped - that will only 
>> affect the panel and api - not a traffic stopper.
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>> On 24 Mar 2023 at 6:33:35 AM, Trent Creekmore <trent at lindows.org 
>> <mailto:trent at lindows.org>> wrote:
>>> I installed it about a month ago, and have been doing some reading 
>>> up on it in the documentation. I do wish there was a “getting 
>>> started quick” guide.
>>> On to the issue at hand, Let’s Encrypt. Looking at the history of 
>>> this mailing list, I see it was mentioned maybe 2-3 times, but that 
>>> was quite a few years ago. Those threads were not helpful.
>>> The issue is Let’s Encrypt needs port 80 to send requests to, and I 
>>> see nothing Is listening on port 80.
>>> Digging on my own, I found out the Nginx config files are read only, 
>>> and I should instead be editing the /etc/ngcp-config/config.yml file.
>>> Looking in config.yml, I see http_csc which appears to be the 
>>> section which handles the client portal with port 443 set. Not being 
>>> familiar with this config.yml, how is it possible to have it both 
>>> listen on ports 89 and 443?
>>> Any other suggestions on correctly using Let’s Encrypt?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Trent
>>> -- 
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