[Spce-user] New Sipwise C5 CE mr12.4.1 is now available

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at sipdoc.net
Fri Jun 21 09:35:40 EDT 2024

El Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:15:32 +0300
Mykola Malkov via Spce-user <spce-user at lists.sipwise.com> escribió:

> Hello everyone,
> We would like to inform you that a new release of Sipwise C5, version
> mr12.4.1, is now available!
> You can find a list of new features and changes on our website at
> https://www.sipwise.com/spce/blog/sipwise-c5-mr12-4-1-released/

Hi! Congrats for another release!

Please check the link. Seems like a 404.

PekePBX, the multitenant PBX solution
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