[Spce-user] Fwd: Re: No charges in calls history

Mario Contreras mario.contreras at innovasur.es
Tue Jan 31 12:41:03 EST 2012

Thanks for your quick answer, Andrew.

>  That is an interesting one, are you checking CDRs in the admin panel or
>  in the account's panel?

The same problem occurs in both panels. In fact, in the cdr table(in
mysql) the customer_cost column is zero for some calls.

>  No, for this you need to enable Administrative checkbox, this will give
>  the subscriber access to SOAP functions.

I don't understand that. I have activated the checkbox, but I don't see
any additional option in the customer panel. I have read that spce only
supports prepaid billing. Is that option a kind of reseller mode?


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