[Spce-user] In-network voicemail caller Id fixed but no DMTF

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Wed Jun 6 16:47:45 EDT 2012

El Wed, 6 Jun 2012 12:51:09 -0700
Michael Molina <saudadez at hotmail.com> escribió:

> Hello Jon and thank you again for addressing the in-network caller Id
> regarding voicemail situation, I have been testing the fix and it is awesome
> however, when I try hidding the caller Id from a subscriber (calling-line
> identification restriction) two things happen:
> 1- You lose touch tone (dtmf) capabilities completly.
> 2- Even if you for example, leave a voicemail on the number you are calling
> (in this case a subscriber) no message is recorded. 
> When that feature is set to "true", we have no touch tone and no voicemails
> left. Say you call a bank, or any line with an IVR, "press 1 for sales" etc,
> then that system does not hear the digits as you press them. And if you call
> a subscriber let's say and leave a voicemail the voice mail does not get
> recorded or recognized. When you set the feature back to "untrue" (off)
> everything works as it should. I thought I should let you know. Thanks again.
> Michael Molina. 		 	   		  


I don't know how this feature (callerid-restriction) could conflict with dtmf
detection in the callee or voicemail recordings. Do you enable it in the csc
or are you using *33* as calling preffix to enable it? 

I will try to reproduce it in my dev system asap.

thanks for testing,


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