[Spce-user] Multiple ATA registrations

Dave Massey dave at optionsdsl.ca
Thu Nov 15 09:21:40 EST 2012

This is probably exactly whats happening. :(


On 2012-11-15, at 4:42 AM, Andreas Granig <agranig at sipwise.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Such multiple entries usually pile up if UAs don't persistently remember
> the registration info across reboots.
> If you register a contact for the first time, the server takes the
> call-id and cseq and stores the binding. If a UA wants to refresh this
> binding, it MUST send the same call-id, and it MUST increment the cseq.
> Failing to increment the cseq leads to an error message from the server,
> and failing to use the same call-id leads to an additional entry in the
> location table.
> I guess if you reboot your device, it doesn't unregister properly
> (sending a re-registration with expires=0), so the entry is left in the
> location table. If it comes up again, it most likely uses a different
> call-id, so a new binding is created instead of refreshing the previous one.
> There is one work-around solution to this, ensuring there's only one
> contact per subscriber, but it'll break parallel ringing in case you
> want to register two UAs for one subscriber intentionally in the future.
> The way it's done is copying your
> /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/kamailio/proxy/registrar.cfg.tt2 into a
> customtt.tt2 file, search it for the save("location") function and
> change it to save("location", "0x04").
> See
> http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules_k/registrar.html#id2496637
> for an explanation.
> Andreas
> On 11/15/2012 09:10 AM, Skyler wrote:
>> Also,
>> egrep -w
>> 'default_expires|min_expires|max_expires|max_registrations_per_subscriber'
>> /etc/ngcp-config/config.yml
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Skyler <skchopperguy at gmail.com
>> <mailto:skchopperguy at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Hi Dave,
>>     Now that your logs are all fixed up maybe we can see what is going
>>    on. Perform the below and let us know what you see.
>>    1. Login as administrator and view the problem subscriber. Try to
>>    delete a device registration using the 'trash can'.
>>    2. In a shell, do   cat /var/log/ngcp/oss.log | grep
>>    delete_subscriber_registered_device
>>    3. copy paste what is shown
>>    Skyler
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