[Spce-user] rewrite rules

Barry Flanagan barry at flanagan.ie
Wed Apr 24 12:24:06 EDT 2013

On 24 April 2013 16:33, Jon Bonilla <jbonilla at sipwise.com> wrote:

> El Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:20:04 +0100
> Barry Flanagan <barry at flanagan.ie> escribió:
> > >
> > I need to route different subscribers within the same domain to different
> > peers in this case.
> >
> > My steering digits are 3872
> >
> > If I set an inbound caller rewrite to prepend these steering digits, they
> > change the user-provided CLI. This user-provided CLI is then checked
> > against the allowed CLI and it is rejected, and replaced with the
> > network-provided  CLI. This removes the steering digits. See the logs
> below.
> >
> > The only way I can see of getting around that is to set the
> > network-provided CLI to include my steering digits and then discard them
> > before the call is terminated.
> I see when we call to function to load the pstn gws:
> $var(lcr_match_content) = "sip:" + $avp(s:first_caller_cli_userprov) + "@"
> +
> $avp(s:caller_domain_netprov);
> if(!load_gws("1", $rU, $var(lcr_match_content)))
> Maybe you would prefer to match the subscriber against the NPN (network
> provided number) instead of the UPN.
I'll look at that.


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