[Spce-user] Early announce activation

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Fri Dec 20 12:01:58 EST 2013

El Fri, 20 Dec 2013 16:31:50 +0200
andreas tseiko <a.tseiko at hotmail.com> escribió:

> Dear All,
> We would like to play ealy media announcements in outgoing calls in CE 2.8.We
> think that we have to use "early_anounce" application in sems.in order to
> trigger this app we have done the following: 1)create early_announce.conf
> which contains the folowing configuration lines:root at sip2:/etc/sems/etc# cat
> early_announce.conf#CFGOPTION_SEMS_ANNOUNCEPATHannounce_path=/usr/lib/sems/audio/en/#ENDCFGOPTION
> #CFGOPTION_SEMS_ANNOUNCEMENTdefault_announce=click2dial.wav <== we have
> assigned this wav file for testing#ENDCFGOPTION ## continue the call in B2BUA
> mode ? [yes | no | app-param]#  if continue_b2b=app-param, continuation is
> controlled by#  'B2B' app param, e.g. P-App-Param: B2B=yes## default:
> continue_b2b=yes 2)sems.conf.tt2 insert into load plugin the early_anounce.
> 3)Change proxy.conf.tt2 line "append_hf("P-App-Name: sbc\r\n");" into
> "append_hf("P-App-Name: early_announce\r\n");" When we make an outgoing call
> and we managed to hear the announcement.Nevertheless sems does not send an
> INVITE to Loadbalancer (5060) as it should be and call is frozen.Is this
> logic the proper way to do this?Could you please provide any relevant info?
> Best regards. 

Hi Andreas

Not sure that the option continue_b2b=yes means "use sbc". Maybe you could use
"sbc" as app-param option and check if the call is sent to the sbc module after
the announcement.

Setting the sems loglevel to 3 would also help you debugging this call. Please
let us know what you find 


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