[Spce-user] CDR records

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Wed Jan 9 09:45:09 EST 2013

El Wed, 9 Jan 2013 14:39:49 +0000
Stephen Donovan <Stephen at newbreakcommunications.com> escribió:

> XXXXX has NULL contract id.
> +----+-----------------+----------+-------------+---------------------+
> | id | name            | priority | description | peering_contract_id |
> +----+-----------------+----------+-------------+---------------------+
> |  2 | AAAA            |        4 | aaa         |                   7 |
> |  5 | BBBBBB          |        2 |             |                  12 |
> |  6 | XXXXX           |        5 |             |                NULL |
> |  9 | CCCCC           |        1 | aa          |                  33 |
> +----+-----------------+----------+-------------+---------------------+
> 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Please answer to the list.

This is for sure the problem with mediator. I don't know how this could be
originated without manual db edition. Some versions ago, removing billing
profiles was removed to avoid situations like this one.

Could you please asign or reasign a billing profile to this peering group? Then
please check the db again and if the value is not NULL you'll be able to run

Let us know if the problem is solved and what you think it happened.



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