[Spce-user] kamailio-proxy.log error - mysql lost connection

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Tue May 28 10:00:55 EDT 2013


On 05/28/2013 02:53 PM, Jeremie Chism wrote:
> What you will see is the load rise then registrations drop and users
> that are authorized on the system getbanned. Ultimately you will end up
> with a drive that is unreadable. This has stopped with sas drives.

One of the reasons for the high disk i/o is because kamailio-proxy is 
logging *a lot*. It's good to have it in case something goes wrong, but 
we're currently trying to move the most important messages (what comes 
in, what gets rewritten to what, what goes out and where) to log level 
"notice" and raise the default log level to notice as well to lower the 
disk output.

Also, there are some tricks we're currently trying to write the proxy 
logs (info, notice) to tmpfs and sync them back to disk in the night via 
logrotate. It would require more RAM, but would also significantly lower 
the disk throughput.

Other than that, you can configure rsyslog to log to an external syslog 

I'd be interested in your views of these approaches.


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