[Spce-user] Remove Billing profile from customer

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Thu Nov 21 15:00:31 EST 2013


On 11/21/2013 05:52 PM, Anibal Cañada wrote:
> You must look at /var/log/mysql/slow-queries.log.
> If you see a lot registries there , you have a problem with your disk speed.
> Sipwise must run in bare metal due the disk speed requirement.

Well, for testing purposes and rather low traffic, it should be just 
fine. For serious traffic, you should have a proper storage attached to 
your VMs.

Anyways, check /var/log/ngcp/cdr.log for any errors, check if mediator 
is running (which creates the CDRs), and check if rate-o-mat is running 
(which rates them afterwards using the billing profiles).

Maybe you dialed a number where no fee for that destination was given. 
In that case, rate-o-mat will stop and you have to fix the issue before 
it will continue, otherwise it's going to refuse to start (to avoid that 
some calls slip through your billing profile which you have to pay for 
upstream, but can't bill your customer).


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