[Spce-user] Multisite SIPWise setup

Joel Smith | VOZELIA joel at vozelia.com
Thu Feb 13 19:11:57 EST 2014

Hi everybody, 

Im trying to setup a multi-site sbc configuration.

The idea would be to have an 2 sipwise servers acting as an SBC in front of 4 asterisk pbx in different physical locations (1x sipwise + 2x asterisk in each). The database would be shared between all of them (Sipwises would be pointing to the Asterisk's RealTime database and the mysql servers replicated in master-master mode).

Could users registered on Sipwise1 call another user registered on Sipwise2?

The thing is users should be able to register to any of those sipwise servers and they should be able call themselves (no matter what spce you registered with).

Is this possible? Any ideas/alternatives are welcome!!

Thanks in advanced.

Best regards, 

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