[Spce-user] Can't access admin interface 3.1

Sergey Kharlamov mentax at bk.ru
Thu Mar 6 11:58:54 EST 2014

Doesn't work.
I was update packages using command 
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade &&   ngcp-update-db-schema && ngcp-update-cfg-schema &&   ngcpcfg apply
I was restart a server, restart nginx, but that port is not accessible. I was update my system to 3.1 3 months ago, and all work fine. 

Maybe something was broke in update?
I was update those packages:
* ngcp-ossbss-apache was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-billing was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-clients-perl was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-common-carrier was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-common-ce was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-common-pro was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-system was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-voip was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-ossbss-xmldispatcher was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-templates-carrier-ossbss was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-templates-ce-ossbss was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5
* ngcp-templates-pro-ossbss was updated from version 3.8.4 to version 3.8.5

Starting Nmap 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-03-06 11:34 EST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.0000040s latency).
Not shown: 989 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
80/tcp   open  http
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
443/tcp  open  https
1080/tcp open  socks
5060/tcp open  sip
5222/tcp open  xmpp-client
5269/tcp open  xmpp-server
8081/tcp open  blackice-icecap
8090/tcp open  unknown

root at voip:/home/admin# service apache2 status
Apache2 is running (pid 21356).
root at voip:/home/admin# service nginx status
[ ok  ] nginx is running.
root at voip:/home/admin# service ngcp-panel status
[ ok  ] Status of NGCP-Panel Webapp: :[....] ngcp-panel is running.
root at voip:/home/admin# cat /etc/sipwise_ngcp_version
System installed. NGCP version 3.0 on 2013-10-06
System installed. NGCP version 3.1 - upgraded on 2013-11-22

>Dear Sergey,
>Please check that apache and nginx are running:
>> sipwise at spce:~# sudo service apache2 status
>> Apache2 is running (pid 18063).
>> sipwise at spce:~# sudo service nginx status
>> [ ok ] nginx is running.
>> sipwise at spce:~# sudo service ngcp-panel status
>> [ ok ] Status of NGCP-Panel Webapp: :[....] ngcp-panel is running.
>> sipwise at spce:~#
>and start the stopped service using start or restart commands:
>> sudo service nginx restart
>If the services are running, please share the upgrade log:
>> /var/log/ngcp-upgrade-3.1.log
>and specify the way you have upgraded the system, the best way is to 
>share content of /etc/sipwise_ngcp_version file, like:
>> root at spce:~# cat /etc/sipwise_ngcp_version
>> System installed. NGCP version 2.8 on 2014-03-06
>> System installed. NGCP version 3.0 - upgraded on 2014-03-06
>> System installed. NGCP version 3.1 - upgraded on 2014-03-06
>> root at spce:~#
>On 06/03/14 17:00, Sergey Kharlamov wrote:
>> After update I can't access to admin interface. Previously it was
>> accessible by  https://server.name:1443
>> Now that port is no longer accessible =( Anything was changed?
>No, NGCP WEB interface must be accessible in 3.1 via port 1443.
>Alexander Lutay
>Head of Quality Assurance
>Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
>AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge
>Office: +43(0)13012036
>Email:  alutay at sipwise.com
>Website:  http://www.sipwise.com
>Spce-user mailing list
>Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com

Sergey Kharlamov
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