[Spce-user] sound sets

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Wed Mar 12 04:28:28 EDT 2014


On 03/11/2014 07:42 AM, Matthew Ogden wrote:
> Wav file pcm mono 8khz? Or must it be alaw or ulaw etc.

Doesn't matter, we're using sox internally to transcode it to the proper
format. As a matter of fact, most files are stored as pcm wav and are
then converted and cached to pcma on first usage by sems.

> If the client is g729 will it transcode to that?

No, sems will use pcma. Not sure what happens if the initial invite
doesn't have pcma in the offer list. Probably nothing, just the error
code as usual.

> I think Marc is a few steps ahead of me.... where are these files
> loaded/uploaded?

On the ngcp-panel in the sound set section.

> Can you even put early media in for 404 not found?

Yes, it's callee_unknown and callee_offline, depending on what exactly
you mean with 404.


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