[Spce-user] sound sets

Matthew Ogden matthew at tenacit.net
Wed Mar 12 04:38:23 EDT 2014

Thanks Andreas.

Bummer about the g729 though, most of our clients are using this
(bandwidth constraints here are high)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Granig [mailto:agranig at sipwise.com]
> Sent: 12 March 2014 10:28 AM
> To: Matthew Ogden
> Cc: spce-user
> Subject: Re: [Spce-user] sound sets
> Hi,
> On 03/11/2014 07:42 AM, Matthew Ogden wrote:
> > Wav file pcm mono 8khz? Or must it be alaw or ulaw etc.
> Doesn't matter, we're using sox internally to transcode it to the proper
> format. As a matter of fact, most files are stored as pcm wav and are
> converted and cached to pcma on first usage by sems.
> > If the client is g729 will it transcode to that?
> No, sems will use pcma. Not sure what happens if the initial invite
> have pcma in the offer list. Probably nothing, just the error code as
> > I think Marc is a few steps ahead of me.... where are these files
> > loaded/uploaded?
> On the ngcp-panel in the sound set section.
> > Can you even put early media in for 404 not found?
> Yes, it's callee_unknown and callee_offline, depending on what exactly
> mean with 404.
> Andreas

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