[Spce-user] Contract does not exist for subscriber

Anibal Cañada anibal at hercom.es
Wed Nov 19 07:20:54 EST 2014

hi, when i try to look client in the admin web, it send me this error, and dont let me in:

Contract does not exist for subscriber [13A80FB8EFF45FB0]

This the output from cat /var/log/ngcp/panel.log

Nov 19 13:16:09 sip1 ngcp-panel: ERROR: IP=XXX.98.XX.122 CALLED=Controller::Subscriber::base TX=13A80FB8EFF45FB0 USER=administrator DATA={} MSG="Contract does not exist for subscriber (subscriber id '4' points to non-existing contract id)" LOG=""

I suppose is just a command in the mysql database , but i cant find the table.

Best regards.

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