[Spce-user] Voicemail FAIL 3.5.1- RTPENGINE Error

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Tue Nov 4 05:27:41 EST 2014

Dear Anibal,

Thank you for your research! We confirm the issue and fix is going to be 
released today. The issue actually in 
/usr/lib/ngcp-ngcpcfg/get_all_cluster_set_ip_maps (network.yml should be 
OK on your side).

We missed it because CE only is affected while the code was tested on 
PRO. We will take care to create automatic test for voicemail, so CE
team will be in safe.

Thank you guys very much for bug report!!!

On 04/11/14 10:51, Anibal Cañada wrote:
> I think the problem came from the an incorrect value en network.yml:

Alexander Lutay
Head of Quality Assurance
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)13012036
Email: alutay at sipwise.com
Website: http://www.sipwise.com

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