[Spce-user] Integrating another proxy box to SPCE

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at sipdoc.net
Tue Apr 7 07:21:32 EDT 2015

El Mon, 6 Apr 2015 21:13:49 -0300
"kalss21 at gmail.com" <kalss21 at gmail.com> escribió:

> Hi Jon,
> We plan to keep using main server in NYC since there will be also users in
> europe and USA, so proxy in Brazil is just to help local users to get local
> connectivity between internal calls and go main NYC for accounting /
> externall calls.
> So at this point my question is: Why would I need to "signal locally" here
> in Brazil ? what would be the difference ? there's not much traffic, but if
> calls expand, would this help much ? and also, would it make it more
> complicating to use also a "natbox" with Kamailio and rtpproxy ?

In the scenario where you have multiple geographical zones I would suggest to
install a natbox in each zone. The subscribers would use that natbox as proxy
and the rtpengine usage in NGCP would be disabled for subscribers (or
completely). As the NGCP would see the subscribers with public IP, the nat
management would also be "disabled" and that signaling would be kept local.

This would allow you to keep the audio near the user when possible and do
the nat stuff there too. You would only receive the "real" signaling in the NGCP

For the natboxes I would use kamailio+rtpengine or sems or ABC SBC. 



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