[Spce-user] Help with upgrade...

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Fri Jan 23 06:04:59 EST 2015

Dear Derrick,

On 22/01/15 17:37, Derrick Bradbury wrote:
> The requests were coming in on .30 and the responses were going OUT on .28, so end clients weren't getting the proper responses.
> Commented out ETH0, and re-applied, and everything worked fine.
> It worked from 3.2.1 but not 3.7.1... and it wasn't until I told my firewall sniffer to watch the entire subnet did I notice that!

I suppose the problem you noticed can be related to Linux kernel upgrade 
we made in mr3.7:
> mr3.2.1 linux-image-amd64: 3.13+56~bpo70+1
> mr3.7.1 linux-image-amd64: 3.16+62~bpo70+1

For some reason this information missed important changes section in 
release notes. I have updated release notes on our website:
> https://www.sipwise.com/news/announcements/sipprovider-mr3-7-1-released/

Thank you for pointing!

Alexander Lutay
Head of Quality Assurance
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)13012036
Email: alutay at sipwise.com
Website: http://www.sipwise.com

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