[Spce-user] Termination fees

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at sipdoc.net
Tue Jul 28 13:48:20 EDT 2015

El Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:13:55 -0300
Roberto Oliveira <roberto.oliveira at tmco.com.br> escribió:

> Hello all,
> Can someone please help me finding the rated CDRs with the termination fees?
> I have peerings configured, each with a different contract and billing
> profile. So I should have the calls rated, but I can't find them

the exported cdrs should be accesible if you login the system with the
"cdrexport" user or if you check the home of that user.

You can also find the cdrs in the accounting.cdr table in the db. 

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