[Spce-user] Feature Request: Setting "free minutes packages" without billing profiles and possibility to cascade billing profiles

Barry Flanagan barry at flanagan.ie
Mon Mar 2 06:17:14 EST 2015

On 2 March 2015 at 08:15, Matthias Hohl <matthias.hohl at telematica.at> wrote:

> Hello,
> is there a possibility to exclude free minutes from the billing profiles
> to set them seperatly on an other layer..?
> Currently I have 5 different billing profiles and this just because i need
> 5 different "free minutes" packages.
> <snip>

> *Another feature request:*
> Is is also possible to cascade billing fee profiles..?

I would also love to see cascading billing profiles. Would make life so
much more simple and less error prone.

Would cascading profiles not also solve your first issue regarding free
time/cash? You would simply add your free destinations in a separate
profile and these would over-ride the rates in the main profile.

Or maybe I think of cascading differently: I would want to be able to have,
for example, a full a-z profile with my standard base rates, and then the
ability to specify one or more additional profiles and any rates in these
would take precedence over the base rates of any other rate set in a
previous profile.

1. Base Profile - my stadard rates
2. Customer special Rates - for example a customer has a special rate for
UK calls
3. Free Rates - defining which rates get to use free time/cash

So in the above scenario, I could have a base UK rate, and for this
particular customer I have assigned a special rate. However I have also
included UK in the Free Rates. Therefore this customer will first of all
use their Free time for UK calls and then will pay the Special Rates for
any subsequent UK calls.

This would require being able to specify the priority of a rate profile, so
that you can determine which rate gets picked.

It would allow just one Base profile and then deal with exceptions in
additional profiles. It would immediately be obvious how a particular
customer is being rated and make rates an order of magnitude easier to

-Barry Flanagan
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