[Spce-user] CLI bug between users, bug in 2.8 LTS, templates 2.8.18

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Fri May 8 09:22:43 EDT 2015

Dear Matthew,

The latest version of templates in release 2.8 is 2.8.24
Can you please test your findings using latest version?

We will be happy to fix it if the issue is still here.

P.S. 2.8 LTS is quit stable, so I highly recommend you to update all 
packages to latest version using command:

>   apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && \
>   ngcp-update-db-schema && ngcp-update-cfg-schema && \
>   ngcpcfg apply

Tnx for your report!

On 08/05/15 15:13, Matthew Ogden wrote:
> there is a CLI bug in 2.8 LTS, templates  2.8.18.
> If I phone from subscriber to subscriber, the main CLI for the caller is
> applied and shown to the callee. (There callee is pasing a 4 digit that
> is being re-written correctly, but not finally used).
> If I phone from same subscriber to PSTN/pee, the callee 4 digits is
> re-written correctly, and passed as CLI.
> My options are all defaults -so far as I recall.
> Attached sanitized proxy log for both calls

Alexander Lutay

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