[Spce-user] Error generating invoice

Henk henk at voipdigit.nl
Fri Dec 1 06:14:56 EST 2017

Hi all,

I'm on the latest version mr5.5.1 and cannot generate invoices anymore. 
In panel.log I get the following message:

MSG="Failed to create invoice .... Unknown column 
'me.source_cli_suppression_id' in 'field list' [for Statement "SELECT 
`me`.`source_user`, `me`.`source_domain`, `me`.`source_cli`, 
`me`.`destination_user_in`, `me`.`source_cli_suppression_id`, 
`me`.`destination_user_in_suppression_id`, `me`.`start_time`, 
`me`.`duration`, `me`.`call_type`, `me`.`source_customer_cost`, 
`source_customer_billing_zones_history`.`detail` FROM `accounting`.`cdr` 
`me` LEFT JOIN `billing`.`billing_zones_history` 
`source_customer_billing_zones_history` ON 
`source_customer_billing_zones_history`.`id` = 
`me`.`source_customer_billing_zone_id` WHERE ( ( `call_status` = ? AND 
`source_account_id` = ? AND `source_user_id` != ? AND ( `start_time` >= 
? AND `start_time` <= ? ) ) ) ORDER BY `start_time`" with ParamValues: 
0='ok', 1="26", 2='0', 3=1509494400, 4=1512086399] at 
/usr/share/perl5/NGCP/Panel/Utils/Invoice.pm line 84#012)" LOG=""

My current DB version is 15367. Did I miss a part of the DB upgrade?


Henk Plessius

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