[Spce-user] Failed to activate domain. Domain was created

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Tue Jan 31 13:00:51 EST 2017

Dear Chuck,

One more, kamailio-proxy also should be up and running,
while is obliviously anyway. Did you check it?

Are you trying to create domains under reseller?
Maybe there is some bug or even restriction.

I do not see the restriction to 'administrator' only
in API documentation, while can you try with
'administrator' privileges?

BTW, there must be more details in logs,
please check api.log ngcp-panel.log, tnx.

On 01/31/2017 05:42 PM, Chuck wrote:
> Sending a GET to https://SPCE:1443/api/domains/?reseller_id=13 returns
> the domain jsut fine:

Alex Lutay

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