[Spce-user] sonicwall and allworx

Sean Peters scpeters at techsquared.com
Wed May 23 17:54:07 EDT 2018


I have an Allworx PBX routing through a Sonicwall through Sipwise, to a termination carrier. Occasionally the outbound call through the carrier sends a re-invite at 15 minutes (I've identified 2 outbound carriers that do this). Several times over the last week Sipwise shows a "confirmed peer address as *.*.*.*:port" for the SSRC port and NOT for the RTCP port which causes a dropped call.

I have rtp.log examples from both a successful (both ports are confirmed and the call continues) and an unsuccessful call where the second port is not confirmed (and the call drops). We've been working with the Sonicwall to configure and try to cure the dropped calls.

Does anyone have experience with Sonicwall? We have increased the UDP timeout to 120, turned off IPS and DPI and increased the ports within the custom service group to include the range of ports we see in the initial confirmation of the dropped call, i.e. port 25613 confirms on the start of the call but not on the reinvite. We have consistent NAT turned ON and SIP translations OFF.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


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