[Spce-user] Call Controls for fraud detection

Raul Alonso raul.alonso at tpartner.net
Wed Jul 10 04:41:51 EDT 2019



We are trying to activate some extra security measures in our proxy, we have
some clients that by volume we are not interested in limiting neither the
number of channels or the daily credit limit.


This means that if anyone  get the SIP account credentials or enter the end
customer's PBX they can make many simultaneous calls. 

Also as the credit limit does not jump until the call has ended it
translates that the $$ hole can be very large.


To secure this point we have made a small script that runs every minute:

With the command /usr/sbin/ngcp-kamctl proxy fifo dlg_list, we check the
number of international calls and the destinations, if we detect more than
one simultaneous call to the same destination we cut these calls with the
command /usr/sbin/ngcp-kamctl proxy fifo dlg_end_dlg.


We are looking for a way to improve this script. Is there any way to control
the number of calls and hang up the ones we think are potentially dangerous
from the API?





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