[Spce-user] Upgrade from 6.5.12 to 7.5.9 fails

Henk henkpls at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 25 06:00:54 EDT 2021


I did some more testing and the problem is not in the code below.

The error is caused by inserting the value 15436.up in an unsigned 
column of the database. I tested the same command on the VMWare image 
and there it's accepted:

  mysql -usipwise -p"${SIPWISE_DB_PASSWORD}" ngcp -e 'insert into 
db_schema values (0, '\''15436.up'\'', '\''spce'\'', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);'

So my database seems to be a bit more restricted. I still don't 
understand why it's designed this way.

Does anyone know if there is a DB-setting for this?



On 23-Oct-21 18:17, Henk wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to upgrade to mr7.5.9 and  it fails with this message:
> Applying revision script 
> /usr/share/ngcp-db-schema/db_scripts/diff/15436.up: done
> ERROR 1265 (01000) at line 1: Data truncated for column 'revision' at 
> row 1
> Following the error I find something goes wrong with 
> /usr/sbin/ngcp-update-db-schema around here:
>   rev="$1"
>   revname="$(basename "$rev")"
>   printf "Applying revision script %s: " "$rev"
>   if mysql -usipwise -p"${SIPWISE_DB_PASSWORD}" < "$rev" ; then
>     echo "done"
>   else
>     echo "failed. :(" >&2
>     echo "Please resolve the problem and run ngcp-update-db-schema 
> again." >&2
>     exit 1
>   fi
> I don't understand what happens on line 131 where the mysql output is 
> compared with the full path and filename ($rev), it seems to me this 
> will always fail. When I check the db_schema values it reads:
> MariaDB [provisioning]> select * from ngcp.db_schema order by id desc 
> limit 1;
> +-----+----------+------+---------------------+
> | id  | revision | node | applied_at          |
> +-----+----------+------+---------------------+
> | 812 |    15580 | spce | 2020-06-01 09:28:28 |
> +-----+----------+------+---------------------+
> Can someone explain how this is supposed to work and why it's failing?
> Henk

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