[Spce-user] DNS resolve problems after 9-5-8 to 10-5-5 upgrade

Jiri Ptacnik ptakjura at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 09:27:20 EDT 2023

I upgraded from 9-5-8 to 10.5.5

after partition switch to new one and finishing upgrade, there are
problems with DNS name resolving. It just dont work. In network.yml
are DNS set as on 9-5-8.


Can't call method "sockhost" on an undefined value at -e line 1.
grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory

Problem is, I had installed resolvconf on 9-5-x branch, because
without this, it was not possible to add second DNS and make it work
(it was not taken from network.yml).

I repaired this with manual host edit and resolvconf install on
10.5.5, but somebody could be interested.


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