[Spce-user] [EXTERNAL] RE: nginx failed to start due to the missing ssl folder and dhparam.pem

Michael Prokop mprokop at sipwise.com
Fri Jun 21 04:23:55 EDT 2024


* Pa Ka [Thu Jun 20, 2024 at 05:55:28PM +0000]:

>> 1) Did you install NGCP on a fresh/plain Debian bookworm system (as
>> opposed to a customized Debian system from your provider or alike)? 

> Yes, I installed NGCP on a Fresh Debian bookworm (azure vm)


>> 2) How did you install NGCP? (Please provide the exact command lines.)

> 1 downloaded the .deb file,
> 2 run ngcp-installer, after the installation
> 3 screen -S ngcp and ngcp-initial-configuration, and the rest of the configuration as in handbook. Then reboot


>> 3) Did you run ngcp-initial-configuration with any special options?

> No special options. Just as the handbook states screen -S ngcp and ngcp-initial-configuration


>> Did you reboot your system betwen executing ngcp-installer and
>> ngcp-initial-configuration as instructed?

> After the installation I run this command screen -S ngcp and
> ngcp-initial-configuration. After couple of minutes when
> initialization was completed, I rebooted.

Ok, when running ngcp-installer, then you get:

| Installation finished. Thanks for choosing Sipwise C5 Community Edition.
| Please reboot the server, then continue with the configuration by running
| 'screen -S ngcp' then 'ngcp-initial-configuration'.

So you seemed to have skipped this reboot between ngcp-installer
ngcp-initial-configuration execution.

But anyhow, even then I can't reproduce your problem.

>> 4) What's inside your /var/log/ngcp-installer.log?

> I didn't check the ngcp-installer.log at the time of the error. But checking now, I don't see any error beside these below
> Removing /etc/systemd/system-preset/01-installer.preset
> Calling systemd preset to configure services on the next boot:
> Failed to preset all units: File chronyd.service: Link has been severed
> Sleeping for 10 seconds (as requested via option 'STATUS_WAIT_SECONDS')

This chronyd.service failure is strange (this seems to come from
your Debian image on Azure), though shouldn't be the underlying
cause of your problem(s).

But it doesn't need to be an error in the ngcp-installer.log,
certain steps might be skipped for good reasons (to avoid data
damage or support custom configurations). Please share your *full*
/var/log/ngcp-installer.log with us/me. If you don't feel
comfortable with sharing it on the mailing list, feel free to drop
me a personal mail.


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