[Spce-user] Two systems, same account_id

Jiri Ptacnik ptakjura at gmail.com
Mon May 27 05:46:36 EDT 2024


if you are using for example two SPCE systems and work with CDRs
outside platforms, then you can encounter problems with two identical
account_ids from these two systems. So different customers will have
same account_id.

1) is there hack to bypass this problem? For example to set in DB
starting account_id (or last one) to some very high number on one SPCE
and account_ids will count higher. So there will be almost no chance
to meet low IDs from one SPCE with highs from second SPCE...?

2) or there will be nice option in config to specify starting
account_id number for example, or some prefix number...

3) yes, there is for example external_id field, that can be populated
externally for this, but it has some life working scenario limits


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