[Spce-user] adding additional (strange requirement) header for a peer

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Mon Oct 22 12:26:54 EDT 2012

El Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:25:16 +0200
Matthew Ogden <matthew at tenacit.net> escribió:

> Thanks Jon
> I'm not very familiar with how this works, I have a development background,
> but am still growing my understanding of how everything integrates in SPCE.
> Are you saying that I should look at the BRANCH_ROUTE_CLI_RTP just if I want
> some logic to be based on the IP of the peer?
> Is the original place I was looking at correct for adding of my custom
> P-A-I? ( i), or are you saying I must only do this in

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Sorry I didn't answer before. I'm in Kassel the whole week and not in the

ROUTE_SET_CLI_CALLER is called from BRANCH_ROUTE_CLI_RTP anyways. You ca nset
your custom header after ROUTE_PSTN (where the gw ip address is loaded) and
after you set the $du for the PSTN gw. And yes, the call to that function takes
place after that. 

I'd recommend you to add xlog lines and investigate the logs with ngrep
captures to debug your header manipulations.



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