[Spce-user] adding additional (strange requirement) header for a peer

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Mon Oct 22 17:15:10 EDT 2012

El Mon, 22 Oct 2012 22:32:05 +0200
Matthew Ogden <matthew at tenacit.net> escribió:

> Thanks Jon.
> Sorry for leaving the reply of the forum, it was by accident.
> (The header I was trying to add was just  append_hf("TestId:
> atesthere\r\n"); and I tried it in both sections,
> i also created an  xlog("L_INFO", "Just a logging test");
> If i grep the logs, it shows, my logging test, but their is no evidence of
> my Header in ngrep-sip.

Are you capturing the traffic between the proxy and the b2bua? Because sems
will remove your header unless you whitelist it.

Make sure first that the header is present, sent by the proxy with

ngrep-sip b port 5052

and then whitelist your header in sems creating a custom template 


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