[Spce-user] Tables in Accounting

Martin Wong martin.wong at binaryelements.com.au
Thu May 2 09:30:27 EDT 2013

Hi, we're trying to get the CDR directly from the database from another app
on the network for billing purposes.

I noticed that there the calls are all in the cdr table but there are other
ones like cdr_201208 etc.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_accounting |
| acc                  |
| acc_backup           |
| acc_trash            |
| cdr                  |
| cdr_201208           |
| cdr_201209           |
| cdr_201210           |
| mark                 |
| prepaid_costs        |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

1. Is there an automatic script that renames the tables for archiving
2. Is the cdr table the correct source to getting call detail records? Just
don't want to go through the file system.


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