[Spce-user] Sipwise Billing issue

Nigel Johnson nigel at simplephoneco.com
Tue May 21 19:05:40 EDT 2013

On May 17, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Nigel Johnson <nigel at simplephoneco.com> wrote:

> Hello, 
> ngcp-rate-o-mat was not started, when starting i get this error: 
>  Error rating CDR batch: No outbound fee info for profile 1 and source user '112' or user/domain '112@ xxxxxxxxxx' and destination user 'xxxxxxxxxx' or user/domain 'xxxxxxxxxx@ xxxxxxxxxx'
> (I replaced the server and phone number with X for privacy reasons) 
> this is the result of  mysql accounting -e "select * from cdr where id=18 \G"
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>                                   id: 18
>                          update_time: 2013-05-08 10:18:32
>                       source_user_id: d3f9d0d9-0595-4de0-8e7e-f2d8b28e2826
>                   source_provider_id: 1
>        source_external_subscriber_id: 
>          source_external_contract_id: 1
>                    source_account_id: 4
>                          source_user: 112
>                        source_domain: xxx.xxx.xx.xx
>                           source_cli: 112
>                          source_clir: 0
>                            source_ip: xxx.xxx.xx.xx
>                  destination_user_id: 0
>              destination_provider_id: 0
>   destination_external_subscriber_id: 
>     destination_external_contract_id: 
>               destination_account_id: 0
>                     destination_user: xxxxxxxxx
>                   destination_domain: xxx.xxx.xx.xx
>              destination_user_dialed: xxxxxxxxx
>                  destination_user_in: xxxxxxxxx
>                destination_domain_in: xxx.xxx.xx.xx
>                       peer_auth_user: 
>                      peer_auth_realm: 
>                            call_type: call
>                          call_status: offline
>                            call_code: 404
>                            init_time: 1368033502.379
>                           start_time: 1368033502.380
>                             duration: 0.000
>                              call_id: aaa4230a2cb5fa01
>                  source_carrier_cost: 0.00
>                 source_reseller_cost: 0.00
>                 source_customer_cost: 0.00
>             source_carrier_free_time: 0
>            source_reseller_free_time: 0
>            source_customer_free_time: 0
>        source_carrier_billing_fee_id: NULL
>       source_reseller_billing_fee_id: NULL
>       source_customer_billing_fee_id: NULL
>       source_carrier_billing_zone_id: NULL
>      source_reseller_billing_zone_id: NULL
>      source_customer_billing_zone_id: NULL
>             destination_carrier_cost: 0.00
>            destination_reseller_cost: 0.00
>            destination_customer_cost: 0.00
>        destination_carrier_free_time: 0
>       destination_reseller_free_time: 0
>       destination_customer_free_time: 0
>   destination_carrier_billing_fee_id: NULL
>  destination_reseller_billing_fee_id: NULL
>  destination_customer_billing_fee_id: NULL
>  destination_carrier_billing_zone_id: NULL
> destination_reseller_billing_zone_id: NULL
> destination_customer_billing_zone_id: NULL
>                  frag_carrier_onpeak: NULL
>                 frag_reseller_onpeak: NULL
>                 frag_customer_onpeak: NULL
>                        is_fragmented: NULL
>                                split: 0
>                             rated_at: 2013-05-08 10:18:32
>                        rating_status: ok
>                          exported_at: NULL
>                        export_status: unexported
>> From: Andreas Granig <agranig at sipwise.com>
>> Date: May 16, 2013, 11:56:13 PM PDT
>> To: spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
>> Subject: Re: [Spce-user] Sipwise Billing issue
>> Hi,
>> Please subscribe to the mailing list before posting, thanks. See comments inline:
>> On 05/17/2013 01:06 AM, Nigel Johnson wrote:
>>>> I was hoping to get some answers about billing profiles. I have set up a billing profile and stored billing fees but every time i make a call no cost is added to CDR next to the call. I have filled in all of the required fields and still nothing gets billed. i have tried using various amounts, deleting and re adding billing profiles and fees and still nothing.
>> Please check that mediator and rate-o-mat is running, and if not, check /var/log/ngcp/cdr.log and /var/log/ngcp/rate-o-mat.log for error messages.
>> If those seem fine, please send us the output of such a CDR on question, like:
>> mysql accounting -e "select * from cdr where id=xxx \G"
>> Thanks,
>> Andreas

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