[Spce-user] call fees

gerry kernan gerry.kernan at infinityit.ie
Tue Apr 1 05:48:24 EDT 2014

Hi Andrew,

I got this sorted, I deleted the CDR rows for deleted users.



-----Original Message-----
From: spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com [mailto:spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com] On Behalf Of Alexander Lutay
Sent: 01 April 2014 09:50
To: spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
Subject: Re: [Spce-user] call fees

Dear Gerry,

Can you please share the steps to reproduce the problem?

We really tests all the Vagrant/VmWare/VirtualBox images before sharing them, so there might be such test data, but we do care to clean it before releasing.
I have tested latest images - rate-o-mat service works well.
I will appreciate if you share the way to reproduce this issue.

Thank you in advance!

P.S. you can delete those CDRs if you have no production data there.

On 31/03/14 20:35, gerry kernan wrote:
> Hi
> If looks like the rate-o-mat service has an issue with CDr records for 
> test users that don't exist anymore . Should I delete these records 
> from the database
> Gerry
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 31 Mar 2014, at 16:13, "gerry kernan" <gerry.kernan at infinityit.ie 
> <mailto:gerry.kernan at infinityit.ie>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I notice that the ngcp-rate-o-mat service is not running , when I try 
>> and start it is get the error below, does this mean my cdr records 
>> are corrupted?
>> root at sipwise:/var/log/ngcp# service ngcp-rate-o-mat status
>> [FAIL] rate-o-mat is not running ... failed!
>> root at sipwise:/var/log/ngcp# ^C
>> root at sipwise:/var/log/ngcp# service ngcp-rate-o-mat start
>> root at sipwise:/var/log/ngcp# Error rating CDR batch: No contract id 
>> found for uuid '54af9d63-4d20-45e8-9086-e41c021c9cb6'

Alexander Lutay
Head of Quality Assurance
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)13012036
Email: alutay at sipwise.com
Website: http://www.sipwise.com

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